Friday, August 27, 2010

Variety of Things

The month is disappearing fast. Just over a week
and school starts again.

Last week I started to take some art classes.
For the fall I will be taking One Stroke Painting,
Basic Drawing and Painting for Adults and
Wilton Cake Decorating.

I figure I can't work, so I should take some
classes, accumulate art projects and heh, perhaps
set up an etsy shop!

I had one on one time with Ana, Andrew and
Maria this month. I took Ana bowling, Andrew
to play mini-golf and Maria and I explored
the local bike path on foot.

One weekend I had Ana, Andrew and Joseph
and Joseph made his First Communion.
That was a special day.

This week I have all the children and my mother
is visiting. I stayed up late with my oldest
Teresa last night having a heart to heart talk.
We laughed like school girls.

This afternoon we are going to visit the
American Textile Museum. On Wednesday
night I took my mom to my One Stroke
Painting class and we painted wildflowers.

My friend Mary Sue has been taking me
mainly to my chemo treatments on Thursdays.
She lives in Leominster, MA. So, I'm very grateful
to her commitment to drive an hour to
spend the day with me at chemotherapy.

This last month I have been extra tired
but the last few days it seems the vitamins
I have been taking have finally reached their
accumulative effect and I have energy again!

At my doctor appointment yesterday we went
over a CAT scan I had on Tuesday. The cancer
is shrinking in my breast but there was
a question about my liver. So, next week
I'm going for a PET scan to get more detail.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Another Week; Many More to Go!

I had an appointment with my Oncologist today. I asked about
my cancer treatments, thinking they would end in September
or October. She said "4 to 6 months down the road we will
see if radiation is necessary." (meaning as she exclaimed
to me that my chemotherapy would continue that long)

It wasn't what I expected but it's good to know what my
schedule will be doing.

A friend asked me about chelation. I would like to do
such a thing but I don't have the money. But, as I do
chemo I'm keeping up on my vitamins and alternative
medicine that my oncologist approved. It's called
You can read here at the link all the great things
it does such as boost your immune system, eliminate
free radicals, restore cells and give you energy.

My son Andrew spent the last few days with me.
We went to play mini-golf and watched "The Prince
and the Pauper" - a great adventure movie.
I also took him to see some friends of his on the
way back to his dads.

I saw all of the children on Monday. I'm happy
to give them all a hug now. We made lemonade
and hot dogs for dinner with apples and just
sat around and chatted. It was a very hot
and humid day.

Today my daughter went off to camp for two
weeks. Personally I think a week is long enough
for her age; but she was very excited and said
she would send letters. Her enthusiasm was
like a happy sunbeam.

I took my Art Appreciation curriculum to the
social worker at the Cancer Center and one of
the nurses approached me later saying she loved
my work and they would set up a time in September
for me to do the workshop! Next week I will
bring the art books in to show them.

Well, time to rest; tired after a day of chemicals.