Friday, September 10, 2010

Two Days in the Hospital

I had two nights in a row a high fever, so
I did my laundry and dishes, packed my
bags and went off to the hospital Sunday

At first they thought I had pneumonia
but then after all the tests said I had
a staff infection in my breast. So, two
days later on Tuesday evening they
sent me home on oral antibiotics.

It was just in time to start my art class
on Wednesday so I was very happy about
that outcome. I was also very glad to be
back home.

The children are enjoying their first
week back at school. They all seem to
like their teachers from what they
tell me.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cancer Medicine and Wikki Stix

This week my doctor started me on a new chemotherapy
called Navelbine because she found cancer on
my chest bone. So far the only side reaction I have
had is sweating. I'm still on hercepton for my breast

My mom spent a week with me and the children.
We visited the American Textile Museum, Great
Brook State Farm Park, took a walk on the Chelmsford
Bike Path, went to Salisbury State Park and did lots of
art together and saw some great friends!

The last two days I've been trying out landscape
art using Wikki Stix

It's been a lot of fun. I plan to try out many art mediums this

Next week school starts for the children and we begin our fall
schedule. Pray I can return to the full weekends I have
for the children as it is important to both of us. Being sick
has been an excuse for their dad to limit it to day visits
on Saturdays and Sundays and one child overnight.

This has hurt both the children and myself tremendously
and is very frustrating as we know we can all handle
a full weekend just fine.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Variety of Things

The month is disappearing fast. Just over a week
and school starts again.

Last week I started to take some art classes.
For the fall I will be taking One Stroke Painting,
Basic Drawing and Painting for Adults and
Wilton Cake Decorating.

I figure I can't work, so I should take some
classes, accumulate art projects and heh, perhaps
set up an etsy shop!

I had one on one time with Ana, Andrew and
Maria this month. I took Ana bowling, Andrew
to play mini-golf and Maria and I explored
the local bike path on foot.

One weekend I had Ana, Andrew and Joseph
and Joseph made his First Communion.
That was a special day.

This week I have all the children and my mother
is visiting. I stayed up late with my oldest
Teresa last night having a heart to heart talk.
We laughed like school girls.

This afternoon we are going to visit the
American Textile Museum. On Wednesday
night I took my mom to my One Stroke
Painting class and we painted wildflowers.

My friend Mary Sue has been taking me
mainly to my chemo treatments on Thursdays.
She lives in Leominster, MA. So, I'm very grateful
to her commitment to drive an hour to
spend the day with me at chemotherapy.

This last month I have been extra tired
but the last few days it seems the vitamins
I have been taking have finally reached their
accumulative effect and I have energy again!

At my doctor appointment yesterday we went
over a CAT scan I had on Tuesday. The cancer
is shrinking in my breast but there was
a question about my liver. So, next week
I'm going for a PET scan to get more detail.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Another Week; Many More to Go!

I had an appointment with my Oncologist today. I asked about
my cancer treatments, thinking they would end in September
or October. She said "4 to 6 months down the road we will
see if radiation is necessary." (meaning as she exclaimed
to me that my chemotherapy would continue that long)

It wasn't what I expected but it's good to know what my
schedule will be doing.

A friend asked me about chelation. I would like to do
such a thing but I don't have the money. But, as I do
chemo I'm keeping up on my vitamins and alternative
medicine that my oncologist approved. It's called
You can read here at the link all the great things
it does such as boost your immune system, eliminate
free radicals, restore cells and give you energy.

My son Andrew spent the last few days with me.
We went to play mini-golf and watched "The Prince
and the Pauper" - a great adventure movie.
I also took him to see some friends of his on the
way back to his dads.

I saw all of the children on Monday. I'm happy
to give them all a hug now. We made lemonade
and hot dogs for dinner with apples and just
sat around and chatted. It was a very hot
and humid day.

Today my daughter went off to camp for two
weeks. Personally I think a week is long enough
for her age; but she was very excited and said
she would send letters. Her enthusiasm was
like a happy sunbeam.

I took my Art Appreciation curriculum to the
social worker at the Cancer Center and one of
the nurses approached me later saying she loved
my work and they would set up a time in September
for me to do the workshop! Next week I will
bring the art books in to show them.

Well, time to rest; tired after a day of chemicals.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tired Times

I was so tired this weekend. I slept most of
it away. But, I did make time to bake some
Asian Salisbury Steaks. Each day I try
to make something new. I love to cook!
When I was in the rehab center I watched
all the cooking shows and came home

The children are with their dad this week
visiting relatives. Next week they are going
camping. They plan to see me on their
way up north.

Last night I hosted a Tastefully Simple Party
at my home. We had a great time! A
gathering of six of my girlfriends came and
we taste tested about 20 items of food. In
fact, you can try it out also by ordering
from Tastefully Simple online. Post your
purchase by Monday. And put in for
hostess, "Denise"

I'm using this time without the children
to catch up on some things and to plan
my next steps. I cleaned out the last closet
the other day. Now I can see everything
that is inside!

I chose the activities I want to do with
the children when my mom visits in late
August and I signed up for some art classes
for next month: floral painting, One Stroke
painting and I'm thinking about one class
in mosaics.

Being I can't work at the moment, I've decided
to work on some new skills and as I mentioned
in my other blog about hosting an Art
appreciation workshop.

Last night I made more specific notes
about appreciating art:

-Ask about a painting:
who, what, when, where and why?
-What reaction does it give?
-What emotions does it convey?
-What medium is used?
-Does it reflect reality or fantasy?
-What or who is the central figure?
-What era is the painting from?
-Does it tell a story?

I showed my friend Donna all my art books
and a curriculum for teaching about Norman
Rockwell's art that I created when I home-
schooled my children. We discussed how
I might publish it- oh dear, another big
project! Oh, I love it!

I went to the breast cancer specialist today.
She said that most likely I won't need surgery,
but we will see.

The Cancer Center gave me another free
case of Ensure. They want me to consume
100 grams of protein a day. I find this very
hard to do and reading in a health journal
that our bodies can only process 6 grams
of protein at a time, I wonder hmmmm.. it
just doesn't calculate.

On top of it, Ensure is full of soy which
everyone touts is soooo good for you. (Oh,
by the way, Ensure is a protein drink. I like
the vanilla flavor.) But all the health reports
say it's toxic, causes cancer etc. Go figure.
Who's right?

I know it's a lazy way for me to get protein.
But, I wonder is it really helping? Ensure
is full of lots of vitamins and minerals too;
don't mind that.

Well, I was going to go to a Chef Series
event tonight, but instead I've decided to
call my children and work on my art workshop.
I'm just in the mood to be home.

Home sweet home! How I love my home!
Especially when the children are here!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Time with Teresa

Here is my latest journal entry detailing time
with my children and an extra special time
with my oldest, Teresa.

July 22nd

Ginny, my nurse said I looked great today.
I had no reaction at all with the chemo.
I brainstormed for an Art Appreciation
Workshop that I want to have at the Cancer

This week I talked Fernando into letting
Teresa stay Sunday to Wednesday with
me. We had great fun.

We spent a weekend together a few weeks
ago. I took her to the Chelmsford Fair for
the 4th of July where Fernando, Abuela and
the other children met us.

I've been having the children one at a time
overnight. Fernando brings them all on a
Friday or Saturday and then leaves one whom
he picks up on Sunday bringing the other
children for another visit.

On Maria's weekend she helped me a lot
as it was my first weekend home from the
hospital and I was having dizzy spells.
I never figured out why.

On Ana's weekend we watched Beatrix
Potter movies of her stories. I had read all
the Beatrix Potter stories to all the other
children. I was happy Ana could be exp-
osed finally to these delightful stories with
a moral.

You may remember Peter Rabbit. That was
written by Beatrix Potter. I have also the
biographical movie "Miss Potter".

If I was to ever finish college I would major
in art and children's literature.

On Joseph's weekend I took him to Supercuts
for a haircut. He had been refusing to do so
for weeks. I just drove up and walked him in
and said "Resign. It will grow back."

He had refused he said because it took away
from his playtime.

After the haircut we had German crepes at
IHOP and drove around the lake. I took him
to the grotto to say a prayer. That night I showed
him a blue butterfly movie, "The Blue Morpho"
that is set in Costa Rica.

I thought he would like it since it had parrots in
it and exotic animals which he loves. He said it
was boring, "Not enough action."

In the movie a boy with brain cancer's one desire
is to catch the blue butterfly. In the end he doesn't
die and his tumors disappear.

The next day I took Joseph to Confession and Mass-
something we haven't been able to do for months
because of my illness.

When the children came to get Joseph Andrew
was all sad.

I made them French toast for dinner. Then we went
in the basement to play Town- a charade game they
made up and love to play.

When it was time to leave Andrew and Ana didn't
want to go. Who can blame them? Children
miss their mom.

Andrew was upset because he knew he had to
wait now for three weeks for his weekend with me
because Fernando's brother was coming to visit
and then Fernando was taking the children camping.

I walked him to the car, gave him a hug. It's so nice to
be able to hug the children again normally. For so
long they couldn't because of the pain from my

So, now Teresa was with me. She is growing
up- a teenager. We enjoy each others company
and I hope to keep it that way. She still confides
in me her little troubles.

I listen with non judgement and then giver her my
advice that she seems to think makes sense. Logic
and a knack of common sense go a long way!

On Monday I took her clothes shopping. Tuesday
we went to the Concord museum and Colonial
Inn where we looked for paper dolls in old fashioned

Since Teresa was three she has had this ongoing
study of old things- old fashions, old times.
She draws dresses of her own, plays with dolls
and paper dolls of ages gone by.

I see it as her personal therapy - her way to deal with
our family crises of loss, a split family.

Her play like this which I let her do for hours on
end helps here "work it all out."

She has had much strain on her way too much-
playing mom at dads house.

It has been too much a burden and her siblings
take advantage and don't listen to her.
Teresa has become bitter toward them.

Every weekend she is with me and on the phone
during the week we work on charity. I tell her
her reward is in heaven- she must love her
siblings even if she doesn't like their behaviors.

She must keep her opinions to herself instead
of constantly putting them down.

Being critical is a hard habit to overcome and I
haven't been constantly there to help her break of it.
We all have a tendancy to do this... it is human
nature. But something we have to overcome
to be good people.

Teresa though has so many good qualities also.
She can rise to a challenge when she wants.
She still is so sweet inside and has a lot of common

She loves her Faith and in many ways is a
contemplative. Why she finds the noise of her
siblings hard to deal with. She needs more
privacy. Having her own room is a big help but
I tell her she has to be kind to her siblings- when
she comes back to their world downstairs in play.

On Wednesday I took her back to dads. But first
we went to the science museum and saw the
Butterfly exhibit and the omnimax movies Whales
and Arabia.

Though we are Catholic I try to educate my
children about people of other Faiths so they
will treat them with charity.

Though we don't worship with them, we must
love them as they need God's saving grace

The night before Teresa and I watched two
other Arabian movies "The Black Stallion
Returns", and "Arabian Knights".

Yes, I do watch a lot of movies these days.
It's hard to do much else when you are sick
and tired.

Reading is an extra effort. Though, I have
read many books while being sick- mostly
the lives of the Saints and educational books
related to the teaching of children and adults.

Aside from Mona Brooks books on drawing
lately I've been reading "Designed to Faith
Catholic Education in America" by Steve

It's about how and why the parochial schools
have failed and why the homeschool
movement is more align with the Gospels-
with Jesus plan for children.

They were meant to be taught by their parents.
Catholic schools were for older children (who
were back then at age 12 considered adults)
or for the Catholic education of pagan children
who's parents didn't know the Faith to transmit
it to them.

St. Alphonsus Ligori always said "Education
is the Faith." - So different from the world of

In other words the true end of true education is
to love God, serve Him and go to heaven and
go to Heaven to spend eternity with Him.

The end of secular education is praise, prestige,
to make a lot of money and to be successful
in the world.

It's focus is earthly things that won't save your soul.

Catholics need both -(or I should say, all souls
need both) as they do need money and property
to raise a family- but it needs to be in moderation
and the main goal always is to be in heaven-
in union with God by following a life of virtue
instead of vice.

It is why Catholics don't fear death because
death means heaven and heaven means a new
life Forever as God intended before the fall of
Adam and Eve.

But we have to follow his moral code to get there
and confess when we don't to have even a

Ours is a comforting and beautiful pious religion
which brings us great peace when we follow
Our Lords footsteps.

But back to my book- it says that the Catholic
have failed in the USA because they take
the children away from their parents too young
and because the schools have been modeled
after the secular school's in many bad ways
even with their Catholic element.

But you will have to read the book to see why.

I should my thoughts with Teresa and she says
"Mom, you like to talk."

I laugh and say thats because I'm alone too much.
Normally I'd be with my family every day and
now I'm forced to be in this abnormal split family

I save up lots to say with no one around half the
week living in silence in a contemplative
Carmelite spirit.

I took Teresa also to the St. Joseph's Shrine.
I said "say a prayer to God in front of your
favorite Saint." She said a prayer in front
of all the saint statues. Good girl.

Then she lit many candles at the Our Lady
of Lourdes Grotto. "I like lighting candles"
she said.

Me too. We have lots to pray about.

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Before and After Photo's

There was a good chance I wouldn't lose my hair
during chemo. But, I have. Well, most of it. I have
a thin veiling of hair left and some of it still long.

Here is a before and after picture.

Before is to the right.
After is to the left.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

From My Journal

This blog is from my first journal entry. I kept a journal from middle
school until I was married at age 27. Then I threw most all of
them away finding the entries mostly immature and juvenile.

But, now in a health, financial and family crises I find the
need to journal again; writing is a great outlet for stress.
It is a prayer to God also, showing him all my needs and
begging for his assistance.

This is a long entry. But you will find it interesting I think

June 26, 2010

I've had breast cancer for two years now, but I think I have
cried only twice over it. I have come to the point in my life
where I'm just too busy living to think about dying. My
whole body wants to make and create: make and create
dinner, art and music. It wants to teach- my children and
everyone's children.

As well, I'm not afraid to die. I'm resigned to God's will -
when I die I figure God knows best - it will be my time.

But somehow deep down I feel that I have a ton more
living to do. I'm going to pull through this - not just for
my five children but for others who need me. I figure God
wanted to teach me some things through all this so I can
help others. I have stage IV cancer in my left breast.
After just five weeks of chemo my breast has shrunk half
the size killing the cancer tissue with it.

I never wanted to go through chemo, just like I never
wanted to lose my children part time or stop home
schooling them. But, I've had to bare all these things
against my will and in the end lift up my hands and
say "God's will be done".

I'm learning He loves to test his creatures. As St.
Therese always says "I'm just His plaything."

As I write I think "how much am I going to share?"

I'm both shy and outgoing, private and public. I
waddle back and forth between the two like a turtles
head in and out of his shell.

That first year and a half I was sick I just wanted to
be alone or with my children only. I had to conserve
my energy. People drained me.

It was private time.

Now after almost six weeks in the hospital and rehab
I want to be surrounded by people. I'm full of energy
after a total transfusion of 4.5 pints of blood for my
anemia and living for months a monk- like existence.

Most of all though I miss my children terribly. Our
summer schedule is out the window of what was
supposed to be half with dad and half with mom.

We have to go week by week now seeing how I feel.

I do have my down days, and evenings are usually
better for me then mornings.

Thursdays I go to chemo so I'm out of it that day.

Today I made Apple Buffallo Picdillo. I put it on
pita bread.

I read recipe's online and printed out some. I love
to cook when I'm up to it.

I spent my month of hospital time watching cooking
shows. My kitchen never looked so inviting after
coming home.

I decided I wanted to host a couple of "Tastefully
Simple" parties this summer. So in the winter
if I am feeling better I can think about being a

My 12 year old daughter Maria spent the weekend
with me. We made pita bread pizza's together.

Cucumber yogurt sauce, turkey-chicken sausage,
onions, tomatoes and asiago cheese were the
toppings. Yum, yum!

We watched her favorite movie: "The Waterhorse"
and then some girlie movies: "Steele Magnolia's",
and "Fried Green Tomatoes" skipping over a few
objectional parts.

Friday June 23rd I came home from rehab.
Fernando brought me with all the children.
except Andrew.

We went to Whole Foods. I wanted to start
out my stay home with organics to boost my
immune system.

Did you know they sell coconut yogurt? Yum,
yum! Aside from coconut milk, coconut juice and
coconut oil!

Coconut has been my friend. It fights cancer
like no other food. And to boost it tastes delicious!
Not to mention, nice to my figure and skin.

I love making coconut shakes. My favorite is

1 can coconut milk
1/4 apple juice
3/4 cups frozen blackberries
2 tablespoons almond butter

-Blend in blender.
-Strain into cup (to rid of seeds)
If you don't want to pull seeds
from your teeth.

On Sunday Fernando and the children came
again: Teresa, Joseph and Andrew.
Maria was already here. Andrew stayed at
Fernando's with Abuela and the nanny
because he was "angry at Marcella".

She tore his shirt he said. He was convinced
it was on purpose. After a talk about not
jumping to conclusions I asked him if he was
angry next time to just "save it for later" and
come see mom where we could talk about it.

When Andrew gets angry he lets the world stop.
This is quite inconvenient to those around him.

I pray every day he learns to better work through
through his anger. He has sensitivity issues
where he is oversensitive to taste, touch, and

After a yummy brunch of chorizo, strawberries
and whipped cream (home made!) on pumpkin
bread, egg souffle and pineapple (not in the can!)
the children took Fernando down to the basement
and introduced him to their game TOWN.

Fernando was the mayer, Teresa the town clerk,
Ana was my daughter, Joseph was the banker and
Maria was a homeless girl staying at Fernando's.

Of course half way through this acting game Ana
became the doctor at the orphanage, Maria the town
clerk, Teresa a restaurant manager, Joseph the
sheriff, me the Judge and Fernando stayed the mayor.

All in a day!

Time to sleep! VNA nurse comes in the morning
to take my vitals and change my breast dressing.

June 27th, 2010

My daughters are so sweet. They gave me two of
their hats and a wig to wear.

I have some scarves and my friend Diane also
brought me some. I'm good to go!

Yes my hair is falling out despite all the predictions
that it wouldn't.

July 2nd, 2010

Two days ago I weighed 128 lbs. Tonight I weigh
136.5 lbs- What? 4lbs a day!? Or the scale is way
off. Hmm - but I have been probably eating too
much nuts and ice cream in the heat.

The week went by fast. Wednesday night I went to
the cooking demonstration. (strawberry rhubarb pie)

I met a woman from Sommerville there with her 3
daughters. One had down syndrome.

Mostly yuppies there. I felt out of place- mom
of five all by myself. Most people had a date.

I ate a lot of meat. I had ribs for the first time in
my life. I know about time at age 41.

July 1st

Fernando took me to chemo (nurses have been
coming all week in the morning to take my vitals
and change my breast dressing).

Fernando and I talked easily again. It was really
nice. I really miss the children.

Teresa, Joseph and Andrew saw Knight and Day
- the spy movie- with Marcella. It was Teresa's
idea. I thought the boys a little young....but
they love action movies. Now I am compelled
to go see it.... a mother's duty to know what
her children are up to... so she can properly
instruct and advise them!

Maria went violin shopping with Ana and dad.
Ana is very enthusiastic about her lessons.
Joseph plays the trumpet, Maria the harp and
Teresa the piano. I imagine Andrew will take
up the drums. Well, back to Thursday.

I had a reaction again to the taxall. This time they
said I passed out. I mean Ginny the nurse said I
passed out for 10 to 15 seconds. (personally I think
I just closed my eyes to rest and didn't feel like

My doctor came in and said "Three strikes and
you are out! No more taxall!" (I take hercepton also
as I have her2 breast cancer)

That reaction sure is scary!

I could die from it!

I'm very nervous also trying a new medicine.

They took me to the emergency room. Fernando
and I were there until 8pm. The did and EKG
on my heart. But I was fine. Had a hamburger.

Fernando was anxious to get back to the children.
I would be too.

Today, Friday , I went and finally mailed the
Carmelite a thank you in Mexico.

I got a new pair of walking shoes at Payless,
had lunch at The Outback (shrimp, mushroom
and potato pasta with enough leftovers from
it for three days).

I went to Blockbuster and got the movie
"Seven years in Tibet" ( I like learning about
other countries and cultures).

I got "Fly Away Home" something I want to
see with the children and Fernando tomorrow.

I usually go to the library and rent movies but
they didn't have these. We don't have a TV by
choice but we watch movies on the computer
and a tv moniter.

Tonight I cleaned up some more "messes" and
watched "Seven Years in Tibet". I took my
medication of course.

Andrew agreed over the phone that if he gets
angry he will say "I will deal with this later. I'm
going to mom's!"

And when he gets here we will talk about it.

How I love my children. I love them all - they
are sooooooo precious. Even Fernando still
has his charm, amongst all his and our problems.
I think he just needs time alone and learning
lessons with the children to figure it all out...
as it seems do I.